Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Economic Growth Out of Recession - 616 Words

In 2007-2009 the recession in the U.S economy was long and deep. At some point the economic activity was reasonable in 2008, but the economy overtaken by a financial problems that could improve the economic weaknesses. The economy was recovered in mid of 2009. GDP has been in a stable path since then, although the jump has been unequal and slowed down in 2011. The high rate of long term unemployment and the labor rate has decreased the labor market. In the paragraphs below, I’m going to define the fiscal policy and explain how it could resolve the economic paths in the short term long term. Fiscal policy clarifies how the government could try to use fiscal policy to affect the economy, and reflects an economy that’s experiencing a recession. The government might lower tax rates to keep economic growth. Also if people are paying less in taxes, they might spend, or invest more money. After we increase consumer spending or investment, then it will be possible to improve economic growth. Congress and the Obama administration passed the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (ARRA). This was a $787 billion package plus $286 billion of tax cuts and $ 501 billion of spending increases that relative to what would have helped without (ARRA) is estimated to have raised real GDP between 1.5% and 4.2% in 2010, but increased real GDP by smaller amounts in the years that followed. The current macroeconomic concerns includes whether the economy is in a sustained recovery,Show MoreRelatedP5,M2 Unit 1 Business Enviroment Essay1604 Words   |  7 PagesP5 - Describe how J ohn Lewis would be influenced by economic factors in a time of economic recession and economic growth in the UK economy The two economic environments that I would be describing about are recession and growth on the business activities of John Lewis. Growth occurs when more goods are being produced and consumed, and also incomes are rising. 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